Wednesday, June 30, 2010

3 months old!!!

Dear Smoochieness,

This time 3 months ago I'd been in labor for nearly 12 hours. I was convinced that you did not want to leave the comforts of my womb. All I wanted was to finally see and hold the little girl that I'd incubated and nourished for 9 months.

We were beyond anxious. Your father was soo cool when I told him my water broke and it was time for us to get to the hospital. That all happened soo fast, but I remember it like it happened yesterday.

You have discovered so much about yourself and the world around you in 3 months. You're talkative and your smile just melts your Mommy and Daddy's heart. I love to smooch on you and you've started to allow me this indulgence for nearly a full 5 mins!! How can I not want to nuzzle your neck and kiss those cheeks of yours! You're my Smoochieness.

This past weekend was the first time I've seen you grab your feet and now you're doing it all the time. You started to roll onto your side a few weeks ago and now you're pretty much rolling over completely. That just kinda depends on where you place your arm. Have I mentioned how attentive you are? You always look us right in the eyes and will follow us as far as your peripheral vision will allow. TV is captivating to you these days and I do believe you already have some favorite cartoons; Fenius and Ferb being one of them.

There are going to be so many more milestones and we are looking forward to each and every one of them. Between pictures and video, we have captured your life to this point. I'm so in love with you Olivia and I hope you feel that.

I can't even imagine you not being in my life. You are my sunshine and heartbeat. I love you infinity!!!!

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Friday, June 25, 2010

Michael Joseph Jackson: In Memory

It's really hard to believe that it has been a year since the passing of the legendary Michael Jackson. I remember exactly where I was when I got news that he was dead....Wal-mart. Someone called this girl in the same aisle as me and she started screaming and I went to her asked if she was ok and she screamed, "Michael's dead!!!" I was like "Michael who?" and she said Michael Jackson and felt my face just freeze. I was truly shocked because it was honestly one of the last things I'd expected to hear that day.

Michael was without a doubt a phenomenal talent. He's had so much musical success that we can treasure his legacy forever! I wonder if his kids even realize how important a figure MJ was not only for the music scene, but also for the African-American community. I don't think there will ever live a greater talent than Michael's.

The Thriller album was on constant rotation in our house. My mama would put this album on that gigantic, floor model, record player and we'd clean house listening to MJ (yes Mama....I remember that). This was the beginning of my love for Michael. However, my favorite songs cross several albums and include: PYT (Pretty Young Thing), Off the Wall, Rock With You, Don't Stop Til You Get Enough, Annie Are You Ok?, Thriller, I'm Bad, Billie Jean...and the list goes on.

We will make a special effort to share his great music with Olivia. He was the greatest of all time.

Monday, June 21, 2010


I'm wondering when my little ball of energy, otherwise known as the Sleep Ninja and Ultimate Sleep Fighter, will begin to sleep through the night? Not getting a least 5 hours of sleep is starting to take its toll on me. I'm now forced to drink at least one cup of coffee each weekday morning just to push out the 8hrs of work required of me. This certainly does not include phase 2 of work, which is absolutely most rewarding, when I pick up baby girl from her Granny's house. Can we say WORN OUT!

I thought for certain Sleeping Through The Night (STTN) would have automatically taken place by now but it doesn't look that way so far. Given such, I've made the executive decision to try Liv on a half a teaspoon of cereal in her bottle before bed just to see how long it carries her. I've read mixed reviews on this, and I also have friends who have tried this with their own children and for some it worked and others not so much. Hopefully this have favorable results with Little Miss because Lord knows I could use a good nights rest.

Is your little one sleeping through the night? If so, when did s/he start? Did you do anything to assist this?

ps. I've read BabyWise and The Happiest Baby On The Block books and I can admit that I didn't fully commit to their suggestions....sigh

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Happy Father's Day!!

(my two favorite people)

Today is G's 1st Father's Day and Liv and I took him to our fav brunch spot, Murphy's in Virginia Highlands. It was great! Luv their french toast!!

We showered G with a few nice gifts and loving cards. I think he's pleased. He loves his baby girl very much. She is definitely a Daddy's Girl. We love you Daddy!!! ;-)

Pics to come.....
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Wednesday, June 16, 2010

2.5 Months Old!!

Liv is nearly 3 months old and everyday it seems she's learning new things. Although she hates tummy time (as evidenced by her going completely off), she's actually really good at it. Yesterday she even lifted up her chest!!! A week or so ago she started rolling onto her side!!!! Where is my baby going!!! Next thing we know she will be walking...and we all know that's the end of being a true baby. :-(

Honestly, I have mixed emotions. I'm thrilled that she's developing so well and ahead of schedule, but I'm a little sad that this means she's becoming less and less baby everyday.....and I want her to be my little baby a little longer.
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Friday, June 11, 2010


Today ends my first, full, official week back at work and it has been a long one! I'm so glad it's Friday that I just don't know what to do with myself. Honestly, it hasn't been all that bad. The hardest part, of course, is being away from Olivia for so long, but the silver lining is that she's either with her Daddy or Granny when she's not with me.

It's nice being a little more adjusted to reality because for me, being a working mother is my reality. While being at home all day with my daughter was great, it's just not my life and I'm ok with that. Being able to provide for her now and in the future is of utmost importance to her Father and I, so we press our way on to work....anyhow..LOL

With such a full life, the little things make me happy. Yesterday, I was able to go and get a manicure/pedicure after work while Olivia was home with Daddy. Today I'm going to get my hair colored and styled. Tomorrow, my girls and I are having an early dinner, drinks and then going to the Maxwell/Jill Scott concert!! I'm sooo looking forward to and in need of some Girlfriend Time! I'm going to glam it all the way up and have an amazing time.

Although I feel guilty for being away from Olivia, I know that I have to strike a balance or else I'll burn out. I am still a woman and there are certain things that I need to do for me (i.e girl nights out, date night, beauty maintenance and wine..LOL). I know that I can't attend everything, or be everywhere b/c she is my first priority, but I'm also NOT Old Mother Hubbard! As the saying goes, "Everything in moderation"

I'm only at the starting line of Motherhood. I will be Olivia's Mother forever and always, even when she becomes one herself....wait....I can't process that thought right now.....ok, that hurt! Too far in the future to even consider...moving on. Every time I look into the sweet face of my child she looks older, more mature to me. Everyday it seems that she's discovering or unlocking something that she can do or understand. She's starting to self-soothe and doesn't require nearly as much assistance with getting to sleep. However, those hands of hers are BUSY! As soon as she gains control of them we will have reached a major milestone. Right now, Olivia's all about talking, kicking and smiling! Ooh her smiles are just.....the most beautiful I've ever seen. I'm not just saying this because she's my child. Her smile is gorgeous. She's happy and a happy baby makes her Mommy's and Daddy's hearts feel blessed.

Watching Olivia discover herself and the world around her is just amazing! Now what was I doing before I became a Mommy?

Sunday, June 6, 2010

I'm A Working Mommy

Last Wednesday was my first day back to work since giving birth to Olivia. My co-workers are thrilled to have me back. So much so that they bought me the cake above. I thought it a good idea to make a short work week. Although I only worked 3 days last week it felt like a full week. It wasn't soo bad I suppose, but it was definitely an adjustment. No naps during an 8-hr workday and after getting up through the night with Liv, I was a little exhausted at the end of the day. It also felt weird to be away from her for so long. When I took her to her Granny's house before going to work, I felt sad for having to leave her, but happy that I could leave her with someone who loves her very much.

Tomorrow begins a full work week and I'm just not mentally or physically ready. Liv is still not quite sleeping through the night and sometimes has some difficulty getting back to sleep after taking a bottle. If she's not asleep, then I'm not asleep. But the day goes on anyway. Today, I really wanted to make it to church, but after the night/morning I've had, I knew it wasn't going to happen. I'm sure we'll soon find a rhythm and get in balance least I'm hoping.