Friday, July 30, 2010

4 months old!!

Every single month I'm just amazed at how fast time seems to be flying these days. My baby is 4 months old today! It's hard to believe the I was laboring with her 4 months ago today, and yet today she's a smiling, playful, beautiful, alert, vibrant, sweet little girl.

Olivia is also starting to teethe (I think) and she does the cutest thing when she's ready to go to sleep. If I lay her down and give her the paci, she will roll onto her side and tuck her hands either under her chin or into the other and goes to sleep. I LOVE IT! I'm just in awe of her everyday. She has also discovered her voice and volume. She's getting LOUDER everyday. I think she's going to be a singer b/c she can hold a note...LOL

To say that I'm a proud Mommy is an understatement. There are truly no words for how much love I have for my sweet babygirl. She is my everything and I am blessed to my her Mommy.

Happy 4 Months Olivia!!

Thursday, July 22, 2010

You know you're a Mom when.....

I saw this heading on another Mommy's blog some time ago and have been intending for a while now to post it here too. I think its just amazing how much your life changes, for the better, once you have a little one. Most days its hard for me to even imagine life without Olivia in it. I mean seriously, what was I doing before her? It doesn't matter now for sure because I am just overjoyed to be her Mommy!

Here are a couple of what I call Momisms.......You Know You're A Mommy When....

  • Your cellphone is perpetually on vibrate, b/c you would much rather miss a call, than have someone call and wake your sleeping baby.....the one who fought sleep for 2-3 hrs......for example..LOL
  • You're the last to: eat, shower, dress, sleep, have clean laundry, etc...b/c you make sure she's attended to first and foremost.
  • Getting to the the nail shop, mall, grocery store, gym, hair salon, Girl's Night Out, Date Night, sorority meeting, etc. is a team effort.
  • You scarf down whatever you have a few seconds to eat b/c in a few minutes baby will awake and desire your immediate attention.
  • Shopping for you totally turns into shopping for her....b/c she certainly needs yet another outfit.
  • You've become an online shopping phenom b/c taking baby in and out of the car and stores is just too tedious and much too frustrating for her.
  • No matter how sleep deprived you are, when baby she cries at any un-Godly hour, you jump straight up out the bed (automatically), grab a bottle and head into the nursery.
  • The excess funds you would have used to shop with now goes into her savings account.
  • You're planning her 1st Birthday party (in your head) even though its not for 8 more months.
  • You've subscribed to every "parent" type magazine on the market.
  • Your baby's poop, slob, vomit, etc landing on your hand, face, clothes, furniture, etc. doesn't bother you one bit.
  • You come home from the gym tired and sweaty, but she eats and gets her bath first.
  • Hearing, Reading, Seeing something terrible about another child brings you instantly to tears.
  • At a moments notice you can whip out at least 3 different current pictures of your baby.
  • You don't' see anything wrong with your daughter having 4 different pairs of white sandals of the same size...seriously, what's wrong with that? LOL
  • Your daughter's closet rivals most adult women's.
  • She is constantly on your mind, and although you know she's in good still call to check to see how she's during throughout the day.
  • You constantly pray for her and ask God to make y'all (yep, I'm a Southern girl) the best parents for her.
  • Anything that pertains to her takes priority over everything else.
  • You love her intensely and infinitely no matter what.

I'm sure you have a few that you can add, what are some of your Momisms?

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Baby Doll

How could anyone not love this little girl?

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Friday, July 2, 2010


Dear Mommy,

I'm on vacation at my Nana's house and you got me doing tummy time! I don't want to work Mommy, I want to laugh, play, kick and be smooched on. Can't we do this once we get back to Atlanta? You are the best!!

Wet kisses,
Olivia Gabrielle
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