Tuesday, March 23, 2010


My hormones must be freakishly in overdrive b/c everybody and nearly everything is getting on my damn nerves! I'm so tired of being bothered with people and their damn questions and wanting to talk and me to listen to their pregnancy stories from yesteryear. I DON'T GIVE A DAMN! LEAVE ME ALONE!!! If one more person walks up behind my desk and says, "you're still here?" I'm going to reply, "No, I'm not here, you're having a hallucination and should probably call EAP and get yourself off drugs!" IDIOT!!! Do you think that I want to be here, at work, of all possible places? Hell No! I don't want to be here when I'm not pregnant much less at this stage of the game. If I could be home, I would be home, but unfortunately I don't have that option right now. If someone would like to "gift" me with some of their vacation time then I'll gladly and gleefully accept and ride off into the sunset. Otherwise, don't ask nor comment on my presence at this place of employment.

Secondly, if this chick sends me one more text asking "How are you feeling?" Listen, you text me twice a week asking me the exact same freaking question and I've given you the same response consecutively, tired, sleepy and ready to have my baby and be on leave. Its pretty safe to assume that's the answer from here on out. Don't keep asking me how I'm feeling!!! I've just started to delete her texts b/c they annoy me and if I respond I'll say something extremely sarcastic and hurt her feelings and that will be that. I just can't! I'm emotionally spent and people are constantly trying to tap the little reserve I have left. What makes it worse, these are all mothers so they should know what the hell the deal is!

Seriously, I wish that I could become invisible at will. I'm sleep deprived and tired, which makes me just a great deal irritable. It makes me not want to answer the phone, respond to an email, attend a meeting, interact w/co-irkers or nothing else I'm paid to do during the day. I have to pull off an 8hr workday on about 3-4 hrs of sleep. I'M NOT EVERY WOMAN, IT'S NOT ALL IN ME! I won't even get into the monotony of the work I do, that's a post for another day. Jesus please be a fence!

I'm not a mean person, but I don't like people invading my space nor my privacy. One lady has spoken to me and chatted it up more in the last 2 months than in the entire 5 years I've been in this department. What is it about a pregnant woman that makes everybody want to Oooh and Aaah? Leave me the hell alone before you make me cuss! SHIT!

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