Friday, March 5, 2010

30 DAYS!!!!

I can't believe I'm here already. Entering my 9th (and hopefully final) month of pregnancy. (There is a phenomenon known as a 10th month of pregnancy, once you hit 41 wks, but we need not have those type discussions here...k...thanks). I am a calendar day away from the official expected due date of April 5th. I can't help but to wonder if my darling daughter will fall within the 5% and come on the day it's been calculated that she should arrive. I seriously doubt it, but I am hopeful that she will make her grand appearance no later than the 40th week of pregnancy. I certainly don't want to go into post-term pregnancy. Too early or too late, neither is great, but late is better than early I suppose.

In preparation for the great maternity leave, I had a meeting on Tuesday with my management team. They have been so awesome during my pregnancy. The discussion points were who's going to take on my workload while I'm out for 12 weeks (that's right, 12 long, lovely weeks to recuperate and bond w/my daughter). The irony is that it takes 3 managers to do the work of one Sr. Analyst, me; but that's a discussion for a different day. I do a lot and have a huge responsibility with a lot of exposure and being away will perhaps allow the "powers that be" to see just how critical my role and talents truly are. Oftentimes people don't realize what they have until its gone.

I really need to shift into get'r done mode. I've been slacking lately and resting mostly. The workday is wiping me out and when I get home I find myself on the sofa in dire need of a nap, and who am I to fight sleep? I just really don't like having things undone. My hospital bag is only partially packed, I still need to launder things for baby girl, I have a ton of thank you cards to write out and mail, we need to install the car seat bases in our cars, there are still things we need to purchase from our registry that we didn't receive from the shower last Saturday and I'm certain that there's something else I'm forgetting to remember right now. Gifts have been coming in the mail all week from friends that couldn't make the shower and we are really appreciative. The love shown to us has been amazing! Not to mention that my friends and co-workers are giving me a shower on Thursday. That's 3 showers! How can I not personally write thank you notes to them all. I'll get it done. I'll get it all done b/c that's just who I am and how I operate. Maybe not as quickly as I'd like, but it will all be done.

Oh yeah, I received the link from my photographer, so the shower pics are up. If I can find the energy I will add a few pics here over the weekend. No promises though b/c its suppose to be a nice weekend w/plenty of sun and warmth and I'm bound to be out enjoying it. So maybe I'll just say I'll add pictures soon...yeah, that's more realistic...LOL
This Friday is one of my favorite Fridays. It's a short one for me b/c I have a doctor's appointment and will be leaving the office for the day at 1pm!!! I believe they'll be taking blood and giving me the GBS test today and then the regular routine. I do love to hear my baby's heartbeat. She's so active now that I know she's doing well and thats really reassuring. However, there is nothing as reassuring as holding your healthy baby in your arms. COUNTDOWN TO SHOWTIME!!!

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