Monday, August 3, 2009


On Sunday, August 2, 2009 @ approximately 11:41 pm EST I learned that I was pregnant. What a wonderful discovery. This baby will be our first child. Wonderful and Amazing. According to my LMP I'm 5 weeks with an EDD of April 5, 2010. I called my OB/GYN this morning to schedule my first (of many) prenatal visits and was quickly informed that they will not see me until I'm 8-10 weeks along. No big deal, August 27th it is. I know to continue to take my prenatal vitamins and to discontinue my love affair with all forms of alcohol :(. Farewell Merlot, Cabernet Sauvignon, Riesling, Shiraz, Margaritas. See you when I see you. Its bittersweet. All this I do for my little spud taking residence in my womb, and so the sacrifices begin :)

I'm truly amazed. Its all surreal right now. When I look at all 4 of my positive pregnancy tests it still doesn't quite register that this means that I AM PREGNANT!!!! I've honestly wanted to be a mother since forever....approximately age 10. This is what I was born to do, mother. Now that its a soon reality I'm completely overjoyed.

Tomorrow G and I are taking his Mom to dinner to share our great news.This weekend I'm driving home to tell my Mama that's she's gonna be a Grandma. I can't wait to see the expressions on their faces b/c both are equally ready to grandmother. I'm about to bust with excitement. This weekend won't arrive soon enough.

My prayer is for a healthy, full-term pregnancy. I had a long conversation with God last night. Mostly thanking Him for entrusting me with this life, his child. I'm excited, anxious, nervous and happy. There is a lot to be learned between now and my baby's birthday. I'm up for it all. Let the good times roll!!!

Mama's Symptoms: sporadic very mild nausea, sleepiness, peeing a lot, heavy, full breast with extremely tender nips, moody....and most importantly a missed cycle!

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