I had my 16 wk appointment yesterday and heard the baby's heartbeat again, which was a strong 155 bpm. The good thing about these monthly appts is that I get to hear the heartbeat and they're relatively quick, in and out. Pee in the couple, get weighed, blood pressure taken, talk to the nurse about any concerns, she then listens for the heartbeat, gives me a handout on what how the baby is developing until the next appt at 20 wks, the doc comes in and asks if I have any questions/concerns and then it's pretty much a wrap. Love it! While normally, the major ultrasound to determine both gender and that the baby is developing properly (i.e heart, lungs, arms, legs, eyes, etc) will not be during my 20wk appt as it normally is for most expecting mothers. B/c of my size (gasp) I won't have this done until my 22nd wk. So the 20 wk appt will be another run of the mill appt (see above) and on Dec. 2nd I get the ultrasound that will tell me that everything is perfect with my baby, which I already know (wink). Since I'm not one for waiting til Dec. 2nd to find out the gender of our child, we have decided to have an elective ultrasound at a place that does 2D/3D/4D ultrasounds. I called today and made the appt, so hopefully the baby will cooperate and we'll find out next Thursday evening, at which time I'll be approximately 17wks 3days. Sooo excited, I'm ready to start planning out the nursery and shopping!!!
My mama thinks I need to "calm down" which I felt was an insult. I know it was like almost 32 yrs ago, but I should fail to believe that she wasn't anxious and excited when she was pregnant with me, her first child. I told her she can stop expecting calm from me. I'm excited and ready to channel this energy into something I can see, feel and touch. She feels like I'm just rushing through my pregnancy, which is certainly not the case. I want my child to develop fully and completely, but I would be lying if I said that I wasn't excited thinking about seeing, holding, feeding, bonding with and raising this child. My mama is a trip. She tells me to calm down but she's been knitting 'her baby' a blanket since she found out she would be a grandma. The nerve!
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