Today I'm amazed that I'm nearly half-way through my pregnancy. It's truly been a great pregnancy. If this is how pregnancy is going to be for me then I want to have at least 4 children. So I'm certainly expecting labor to be just a easy breezy. Now for the good news, on October 29, 2009 we had an "elective" ultrasound done at Stork Vision here in Atlanta. She was able to determine that we're having a little.....wait for it.....GIRL, it's a GIRL!!! We are soo excited! The good thing is that although we were both thoroughly convinced that we were having a son, we did pick both a girl and boy name, so now that we know we're having a girl, her name is Olivia Gabrielle! Isn't that a beautiful name! I didn't want my child to be tagged with anything fadish, but to have a name with a real meaning:
Olivia means "truthfulness, peace, dignity, beauty"
Gabrielle means "God is my strength"
A good wholesome name that we can certainly live with and I'm sure our little girl will certainly live up to. I'd be remissed if I didn't mention that I have been shopping and stocking my little girl's closet. It's so much fun! Her closet is the only thing in her room that's taking place right now. I think we've decided on furniture but we're trying to wait it out to see if we'll get a better price around the holidays. The room hasn't yet been painted b/c I haven't decided on bedding just yet. I hope to have that done by the end of the month. My friend, an interior designer, will be designing the room and I trust her to fully manifest my vision. She's good like that. My goal is to have the nursery complete by the end of the year. My own personal goal. I'm a planner by nature so I won't be waiting to the last minute to get things done. I'll start my registries around Thanksgiving so if people decide they want to get things early, they can. My friends asked me when I would like to have my shower and I told them late January. That will give is 2 full months to get whatever else we didn't get during the shower. Although we will be purchasing big ticket items ourselves, (i.e crib, changer/dresser, rocker, etc.) I know our parents will want to make a big contribution towards their first grandchild. My mom has volunteered to purchase the travel system which is easily $200in most places. Either way, our little girl will have everything she needs, plus!
Next Wednesday is my 20wk appt, which is normally when most women have their diagnostic ultrasound. During the diagnostic ultrasound the doctor will be looking at and measuring her heart, lungs, head/brain, length, arms, legs etc. This ultrasound is less about finding out the sex and more about making sure that everything is developing as it should be. That's why we elected to have one done on our own to determine the sex of our child. Besides, mine isn't scheduled until Dec. 2nd, which now doesn't seem so far away but it did especially going through Thanksgiving not knowing whether we were having a girl or boy just wasn't going to happen. Yep, We're impatient like that. Why would I want to miss out on all the holiday deals that will be rolling out? No way, Jose'!! :P
Ok, that's all I have for now. Until the next time...
Old Fashioned Goulash
Old-Fashioned Goulash is one of those classic comfort foods that brings
back memories of family dinners. This dish, often referred to as American
chop su...
4 weeks ago
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