Thanks to the amazing technology of our day, we were able to get a glimpse inside the womb to see our darling little girl. This time she was full of cooperation....or annoyance...either way, we captured the images we were after. We have both video and still pics of every possible angle of our child. She's soooo pretty!! (nope, no modesty here). She looks just like my newborn baby picture. It's uncanny. Olivia made her father and I so proud last night as she vogued for her photo ops. I would encourage anyone who's even remotely curious about either finding out the sex or just who your little one resembles to visit
Stork Vision. Shannan is the best! She's patient and has very good energy. I enjoyed every session with her, even when the kid would not cooperate. Below are a few of our images.

Olivia kept her arms near her face for the longest time. She has long fingers. I think she may be tall like her father.

Now that those arms are out of the way, she sticks out her tongue a little and we can see her pretty little face and her left ear.
More tongue out, fat cheeks and a round belly. She's a Doll!

Olivia was soo sleep! This is one of my favorites b/c she looks just like I did as a newborn. Amazing! I'm soooo in love with my child!
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