Or a phenomenon in the South known as snow. Yeah, we get it from time to time but never to the degree in which we prepare. So we're allegedly due to have a couple of inches of snow to come through the city starting around 12 noon and schools started announcing their closures on Thursday. I don't know, but this is so funny to me. Maybe b/c I'm not a parent just yet I can't appreciate the schools haste to shut down. While I do understand the precaution of it all, it just seems a tad bit immature in my opinion.
Dare we even consider what the local supermarkets and Walmarts look like this morning? Well me, I'm at work, at my desk going about my day as usual. If and when it snows, it snows. It's not raining nor is it below freezing so at best, I expect the pillowy beauty of the fresh fallen to cover the otherwise void landscapes and then disappear just as quickly as it came. Yes, its beautiful and kids enjoy playing in it, as they should. But adults are hyperventilating over snow that's suppose to be gone before the clock strikes midnight tonight. My goodness people, let's get a grip!
Besides, I have a hair appointment after work today and she BET NOT call me to reschedule over impending snow! It's never as bad as they say. We may get the 2" they are forecasting or it may end up being a mild dusting....who knows...only God knows. What I do know is that I have things to do this weekend, starting w/my much needed and anticipated hair appointment tonight, and snow will not wreck my flow!
To all of the northerners experiencing real snow and still keeping it moving...SALUTE! I know you look at us and just shake your heads. One of my co-workers who's originally from Philly has already been overheard saying, "Y'all (yeah, she's Southern now) don't know nothing about snow, this ain't snow." To which I must agree. The metro Atlanta area is shutting down b/c of snow that's not even suppose to stick. Personally, I'm just ready for Spring! Bring on Spring!! Spring means that my beautiful daughter will be here or here shortly. I'm ready for my favorite season and my favorite little lady :)
Old Fashioned Goulash
Old-Fashioned Goulash is one of those classic comfort foods that brings
back memories of family dinners. This dish, often referred to as American
chop su...
4 weeks ago
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