Wednesday, January 20, 2010


I had my glucose screening test last Wednesday, Jan.13th and had not heard anything back from my practitioner. Yes, I kinda knew that that meant I'd passed but I just wanted to hear them say it. So I called yesterday afternoon and left a message for the phone nurse and she called back today informing me that I'd passed the 1-hr screening and that my iron levels were within the normal range. I PASSED!!! Not that I didn't expect I would, I suppose I just got so caught up in other pregnant women's stories about not passing and having to suffer through the 3-hr test. Honestly, I was never really concerned b/c I drink an insane amount of water daily (3-4 liters) in addition to juice and milk so I figured that alone was good. Granted, I have allowed myself certain indulgences that shall remain nameless...., but I guess I've really kept it all in moderation.

For example, I was never concerned that my iron would be too low b/c I know I eat at least one hamburger a week! That alone is a good source of iron. LOL. And since being pregnant I have not been able to stomach the idea of turkey bacon although I've eaten it for years! Now, it's the real thing or no bacon at all. There are no substitutes for the real thing these days. If I want something I want it in its full-fledged caloric, sugary, fatty, sauteed, get the idea.

The other great thing is that the Antarctic type weather we'd been experiencing here in Atlanta has finally let up and I was able to get back outside during lunch and go for a nice, long 2 mile walk. It was both refreshing, relaxing and sooo much needed. My body needed some sort of exercise b/c I've honestly not been doing much with my prenatal DVD. It was a good idea in theory, but much like the gym, I haven't seen much of it lately. So sad. My intent is really good though...sigh. As long as I get a few miles in a week I think I'm good. My weight is being managed well so I really have no concerns, but I do want to have the strength to push my baby girl out when its time. At my 28wk appt I learned that I'd gained a whopping 4lbs since December (which I think is amazing considering Christmas fell in that window) for a total pregnancy weight gain-to-date of 12lbs! I'm amazed, really, but I'll take that b/c honestly I don't need to gain more than 20-25lbs for the entire pregnancy, so I'm on the right track.

My next appointment is scheduled for Jan. 27th and I'll be 30wks2days. I expect this to be a rather quick appointment since we did the blood work thing at the last one. Leave a urine sample, weigh in, blood pressure, listen to Olivia's heartbeat, measure my stomach, any questions? See you in 2-wks. I love it! I can't believe I'm almost 10 weeks (or so) from holding my precious daughter. I'm so excited!!! I look forward to meeting this little personality that's forming in my womb. Lord, if she's like me....she's going to be sooo much fun! A joy!

I'm going to be a MAMA!!!! **church scoot**

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