Today I had my 30 wk appt. All continues to be well. No weight gain since my last appt (@28wks), blood pressure is good, baby's heartbeat is a strong 151bpm and my pregnant belly is measuring right at 30 cm. God is good!
how far along? 30wks 3 days
weight gain? none since 28wks, but total pregnancy is 12lbs so far.
maternity clothes? yes, all day every day. I've come to love elastic pants!
how big is baby? About 3lbs and 16.5-17 inches
stretch marks? yes, still very faint. My linea nigra is barely visible.
sleep? yes and no. hips have started to hurt at night, so lots of tossing and turning
best moment this week? hearing baby girl's heartbeat
movement? definitely, bigger moves these days.
labor signs? none, thank God!
cravings? fries
belly button in or out? in, but stretching a great deal horizontally
what i miss? heels. I would love to rock all my boots w/heels but I promised my feet and legs that I wouldn't do it. I've been in nothing but flats since discovering I was expecting.
what i am looking forward to? my baby showers!
weekly wisdom? Enjoy the pregnancy experience, it goes by fast.
milestones? Passing my glucose screening
More on baby: Your baby's eyelids are now open; its eyelashes and eyebrows are visible as well. It weighs about 3lbs; crown to rum length is 27cm and total length is about 17 inches (38cm) long, two-thirds its final size. The fetus's level of infection fighting antibodies now is equivalent to yours. As baby's skin smoothes out, her brain just keeps getting more wrinkled. All those grooves and indentations increase surface area, meaning more room for that oh-so-essential brain tissue. She's also adding some brawn-her grip is now strong enough to grasp a finger.
More on mama-to-be: Your breasts now contain colostrum-the sweet, yellowish, nutrient and antibody rich fluid which is your baby's first food. It plays a vital role in providing your baby nourishment while your body prepares to switch into breast milk production mode. Colostrum production stops after 3-5 days after your baby is born and is replaced with breast milk. If you are beginning to feel tired or listless, it might be worth cutting back your work hours or stopping work altogether sooner rather than later.
It is not unusual to have a sudden burst of energy during the final trimester; many women start to clean up or do up baby's room. This is referred to as the 'nesting' instinct and the plus side is you feel better about your surroundings and have more time to spend with your baby once she arrives. One the downside, you end up tiring yourself. You are going to need all the energy once your labor starts so if cleaning or decorating is necessary, enlist help from others.
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