Wednesday, December 30, 2009


Is there any reason for any one person to have 6 different packs of gum in their purse? I didn't even realize it until just now. This is hilarious. I guess my gum tastes changes as frequently as my food taste. I think I have all flavors covered here. Let me know if you need any. LMAO!!
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Sunday, December 27, 2009

Making Room for Baby

From the time I found out we were having a little girl, I've been ruminating over how her room should look and feel. I wanted it definitely to be a welcoming place to a little girl but not overly so. I didn't want a theme per se, but I wanted the room to be classic, something that could grow with her. When I found the Daniella by Cocalo bedding I was completely sold and in fact, borrowed....ok, stole their design aesthetic. For me, it encompasses everything that I want for Olivia's nursery. I think she will love it too. Here are a select few progression pics.

Simone (my designer friend) doing some prep work

Making progress

On to the next layer of paint.....a true pink

The chocolate stripe is done, now she measures for accuracy before hanging the letters

Which letters should we choose?

The crib goes here. Looks perfect to me!!

Every little girl should have a chandelier in her room, yes? We thought so too!

Things have progressed nicely. I can't wait to bring the crib and dresser in next!!

Stay tuned for the next pics which will be of the complete nursery!!!

<100 days to go!

I'm happy to be at 98 days and counting! Double digits definitely brings the reality home that our baby girl will be here before we know it. We're so excited!!

Above is a picture of me with two of my dear friends over the Christmas holiday visit home. I had such a good time in Sweet Home Alabama! There is no place like home. My friends are so excited for G and I as we anticipate the arrival of our sweet baby girl. Looking forward to 2010 for sure!

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

25wks and Christmas

We hit 25wks on Monday, Dec 21st and I can tell that Little Miss is growing a lot! Her movements are more pronounced and you can definitely now see them from the outside. I was laying in bed the other night and her movements felt so strong that I decided to take a look to see if they were visible yet from the outside, and they were! It's the weirdest/most amazing thing to see your stomach moving like that. However, in all honesty, I have been waiting for these moments.

I've kinda feel bad for G b/c he doesn't get to experience pregnancy the way that I do but if his timing is right he will soon be able to feel his daughter's karate kicks in my stomach. I love it though and wouldn't trade anything in the world for knowing that my baby is alive and thriving inside of my womb! Sometimes its hard to imagine that in about 15 weeks I'll be giving birth to our darling daughter. I feel so honored to be entrusted with such a precious little one. If God doesn't do anything thing else for me, blessing me with a healthy, happy, little girl is enough for me to ride into heaven on. Pregnancy is such an amazing emotional, spiritual, financial and physical experience. I know that no one woman has the exact same experience as the next, which makes it all the more special. But I do love to converse with other expectant mothers. Its great to talk to someone who can understand and relate to the things you're experiencing. I love talking to G about pregnancy and how good it's been to me, but sometimes I just don't think he gets how much is really taking place inside this body of mine. I'm literally, the host body for our baby until its time for her to be born and that takes a toll. More so emotionally and hormonally for me. I am flighty when it comes to the hormones. One day I want him gone and to disappear from the face of the earth, and the very next day I want to snuggle and be nothing but wrapped up in his arms of comfort. I never knew the hormonal ride could be so dramatic. I have been a drama queen and he takes it all in stride and says stuff like that he loves my expanding hips, he loves me and our baby growing in my stomach. How sweet is that? Yeah, that makes even me snap out of my tempermental evil! LOL

Christmas is in 3 days!!! I'm excited and think it's the perfect ending to a pretty great year. I mean, finding out that we were expecting was probably the best news ever so again, I could ride out on that alone. However, I always look forward to spending the Christmas holiday with my family back home in Alabama. It's not a far drive, but I rarely drive home anymore, especially now. So going home tomorrow is going to be great! My Mama and brother are excited to see how pregnant I've become since they last saw me in October. I'd say it's pretty drastic but we'll see what they think. I don't even think I was really showing when I was home. Most people didn't even believe I was pregnant, but now, oh, there's no denying that there's someone growing inside of me. I love looking pregnant and wearing maternity clothes. They are so comfortable! I haven't worn heels since this summer. Everything that I put my feet into is a flat. Even my winter boots are flat, although they come up to my knee. I just can't do that to my knees or feet b/c the last thing I'd want to do is get a little off kilter and tumble over. Not a good look. I don't have height issues so it's all good and all about comfort. I sometimes wonder if I'll ever desire to go back to my regular clothes. I mean, why on earth did we stop wearing elastic waist pants? LOL!!

Ok, I really need to get some laundry done and start packing b/c if I don't then I won't get on the road tomorrow like I've planned. I'm going to my nail spot to get the mani/pedi done today after work b/c they just don't do as good of a job back home. So that's it for me. I hope everyone has a wonderfully blessed and Merry Christmas!

Monday, December 14, 2009

24 weeks-Happy V-Day!!!

Today marks yet another milestone on my pregnancy journey. Today is my viability day. Meaning, if for some unforeseen reason, baby girl was born this week, the doctors could probably keep her alive and going until she reached her full gestational age. I know, no one wants to think of going into pre-term labor, especially me, but I'm glad to have successfully reached this threshold.

So, I had my 24 week Dr's appt today and learned that I've gained 4lbs since my 20 wk appt. I'm good with that b/c it's apart of pregnancy, that and the fact that I was fat even before pregnancy. Stretch marks and all that other stuff that some moms-to-be fret over are the furthest things from my mind. As long as my baby is getting everything that she needs, I can deal with and overcome the rest. My blood pressure was a little elevated today, something to the tune of 132/82 which that bottom number is way high for me. I normally trail in the mid 60's to low 70's. However, I'm not all that surprised b/c I was upset most of the morning trying to get it together in time for my appt. I need to stop allowing things to upset me, but that's so much easier said than done.

That incident plus the stress of ensuring that everything is in place and everyone is paid for my line sisters and I as we prepare to head to Pigeon Forge, TN to celebrate our Delta Sigma Theta Anniversary. I'm meticulous to a fault, but I really want things to go as I've planned them. I know shit happens, but I don't need it to happen this weekend. I've been working on this trip since March and now its time for implementation. The older I get the less I'm able to deal with things deviating from plan....or maybe that's just the anal Sagittarius in me. I don't know, but I'm looking forward to the bonding time with my line sisters and the fun memories we'll create the whole weekend long.

Christmas is around the corner and I haven't purchased gift the first. I just have too much going on right now. Trying to have my nursery complete by year end, this trip this weekend and the following weekend is Christmas. My plans are to drive home on Wednesday after work. We'll see how this all plays out. I'll definitely be home for Christmas. It's probably the one time a year that I can stand being with my family for 3-4 days w/o thinking, "why did I come here?" I'm honestly not even pressed about gifts. I want to get my godchildren their gifts and the adults, well, if they get anything at all, it may be after Christmas. Besides, the deals are better then anyway. Christmas is for the kids!!!

Back to baby.....excuse the's time for us to schedule our childbirth classes, hospital tour and pre-register. I mean, really, I am only 16 weeks from delivery! Where does the time go? 3rd tri starts at the end of this month and that's the home stretch. I still haven't found a dresser that we both can agree on, and I need to order my glider and the carpet in the entire house needs to be cleaned. Stuff to do!

Finally, I did have my ultrasound at the doctor's office on Dec. 2nd (22wks) and they said that everything looked good. I'm happy, and yes, she reconfirmed that she's a SHE! I was a little worried, but not really. My next appt, at 28wks is scheduled for Jan 13th which is my 97th Founder's Day!!! How awesome is that. I'll have my glucose screening at this appt, so I'm going to have to remember to eat eggs and toast w/no jelly that morning. Ugh! I better pass. I don't want to have to do the next stage of this horrid test, which is the 3-hr test which from what I've read requires fasting. Now what pregnant woman wants to fast? LOL.

I'm gone.