Today marks yet another milestone on my pregnancy journey. Today is my viability day. Meaning, if for some unforeseen reason, baby girl was born this week, the doctors could probably keep her alive and going until she reached her full gestational age. I know, no one wants to think of going into pre-term labor, especially me, but I'm glad to have successfully reached this threshold.
So, I had my 24 week Dr's appt today and learned that I've gained 4lbs since my 20 wk appt. I'm good with that b/c it's apart of pregnancy, that and the fact that I was fat even before pregnancy. Stretch marks and all that other stuff that some moms-to-be fret over are the furthest things from my mind. As long as my baby is getting everything that she needs, I can deal with and overcome the rest. My blood pressure was a little elevated today, something to the tune of 132/82 which that bottom number is way high for me. I normally trail in the mid 60's to low 70's. However, I'm not all that surprised b/c I was upset most of the morning trying to get it together in time for my appt. I need to stop allowing things to upset me, but that's so much easier said than done.
That incident plus the stress of ensuring that everything is in place and everyone is paid for my line sisters and I as we prepare to head to Pigeon Forge, TN to celebrate our Delta Sigma Theta Anniversary. I'm meticulous to a fault, but I really want things to go as I've planned them. I know shit happens, but I don't need it to happen this weekend. I've been working on this trip since March and now its time for implementation. The older I get the less I'm able to deal with things deviating from plan....or maybe that's just the anal Sagittarius in me. I don't know, but I'm looking forward to the bonding time with my line sisters and the fun memories we'll create the whole weekend long.
Christmas is around the corner and I haven't purchased gift the first. I just have too much going on right now. Trying to have my nursery complete by year end, this trip this weekend and the following weekend is Christmas. My plans are to drive home on Wednesday after work. We'll see how this all plays out. I'll definitely be home for Christmas. It's probably the one time a year that I can stand being with my family for 3-4 days w/o thinking, "why did I come here?" I'm honestly not even pressed about gifts. I want to get my godchildren their gifts and the adults, well, if they get anything at all, it may be after Christmas. Besides, the deals are better then anyway. Christmas is for the kids!!!
Back to baby.....excuse the's time for us to schedule our childbirth classes, hospital tour and pre-register. I mean, really, I am only 16 weeks from delivery! Where does the time go? 3rd tri starts at the end of this month and that's the home stretch. I still haven't found a dresser that we both can agree on, and I need to order my glider and the carpet in the entire house needs to be cleaned. Stuff to do!
Finally, I did have my ultrasound at the doctor's office on Dec. 2nd (22wks) and they said that everything looked good. I'm happy, and yes, she reconfirmed that she's a SHE! I was a little worried, but not really. My next appt, at 28wks is scheduled for Jan 13th which is my 97th Founder's Day!!! How awesome is that. I'll have my glucose screening at this appt, so I'm going to have to remember to eat eggs and toast w/no jelly that morning. Ugh! I better pass. I don't want to have to do the next stage of this horrid test, which is the 3-hr test which from what I've read requires fasting. Now what pregnant woman wants to fast? LOL.
I'm gone.
Old Fashioned Goulash
Old-Fashioned Goulash is one of those classic comfort foods that brings
back memories of family dinners. This dish, often referred to as American
chop su...
4 weeks ago
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