We walked back to the office and I called my OB and left a message with the nurse giving her the stats and details. She called back asking a few questions: Do you have a headache? Are your hands and/or face swollen? How are you feeling? How long did the flashes last? If you were driving do you think the flashes would have impaired your vision? I honestly felt just fine, but at this point I was very concerned and wanted to ensure that my baby was ok. She said she would speak with the doctor and give me a call back. I went back to training a co-worker on one of my responsibilities that he'll take over while I'm out on maternity leave. Within 7 minutes my Blackberry started vibrating and it was my doctor's office. They wanted me to come in as quickly as possible so that they could check my blood pressure and urine for protein.
I quickly gathered up my things, logged off the system and headed out the door. Well, today its a rainy mess outside and I had a good ride ahead of myself. I work downtown and my doctor's office is at least 25-30 miles from my job+rain made it a long trip. They wanted me to get there by noon b/c they were working me in, but I didn't leave the office until 11:25. I knew I wouldn't make it there by 12 noon, nor was I willing to cause or be apart of an accident trying to rush. Plus all the anxiety wouldn't help my blood pressure situation anyway. So, I eventually arrived at the doctor's office around 12:15pm and was seen right away. I first had to leave a urine sample, which is never a problem b/c I can always go to the restroom. The nurse took my blood pressure and it was 120/80, which is perfect! This surprised me b/c I expected it to be elevated due to my stress of not knowing what the hell was going on. Then she weighed me, I'd lost a pound (or water weight) since my last appointment which was on Friday. Back into the exam room I go. After she asked me another series of questions, and provided me with my FMLA paperwork that I'd left with them last week, she measured my belly and listened to baby girl's heartbeat.
My belly measured 36.5cm and her heartbeat was exactly what it was on Friday, 146 bpm. She was fine, which makes me fine. Then the nurse reviewed the results from last weeks blood work and GBS test. I am GBS negative, which means I will not need antibiotics during labor and all of my blood work came back great! This was such a HUGE relief!! I was worried b/c I've never had the twinkle...twinkle..happen before. I prayed all the way from work to the doctor's office and God heard and answered my prayer. Thank You God that all is well :)
How scary! I'm glad everything was OK.