6 months old and I am just amazed at how social, attentive and DEMANDING you are! You have definitely decided that your way is the best way and should come first no matter what! You're also full of smiles, exposing your two small pegs at the bottom and you LOVE to jump. You're a little jumping bean in everybody's lap. You've also managed to take over my queen sized bed! You didn't initially care for your walker, but you're slowly starting to warm up to it and have figured out how to push backwards in it but not forward yet. You're eating solids at your Ganny's house and your favorites seem to be squash, green beans and pears (this makes Mommy sooo happy and proud).
You are truly a joy and I could never imagine my life without you in it. As you advance towards becoming a 1-year old, I pray that you continue to be a happy little girl. That's been my prayer for you from the day I found out you were being formed in my womb. I will always be your #1 fan and supporter. I look forward to watching you grow into the amazing young woman that you're DSTined to become! ;-)
Infinite Love,
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Old Fashioned Goulash
Old-Fashioned Goulash is one of those classic comfort foods that brings
back memories of family dinners. This dish, often referred to as American
chop su...
4 weeks ago