Olivia recognizes when her name is called and/or being used in a conversation. Whenever I'm updating her Granny or Dad about something she's done she always looks up at me as if to say "why are you telling my business?" TOO FUNNY!!
Miss Liv just might pull up before she crawls. She loves to be put in a standing position and she nearly leaps off of your leg. I should really be recording this stuff. She's not going to believe me when I tell her this when she's older.
I'm also proud to report that Olivia loves her veggies. She's "officially" eating food! She's still getting her bottles in but we've incorporated green beans, carrots, sweet potatoes, squash and pears into her otherwise liquid diet. She loves it and I'm so happy that she loves her veggies. Hopefully that will last ;-)
STTN is still kinda allusive as she usually wakes at least twice during. Her sleeping through the night is so sporadic that I have to mark the calendar to remember the day. I've started giving her a much heavier night bottle. What I like to call a rice cereal smoothie b/c its thicker than her normal bottle. My baby's belly gets full and she's out cold. Hopefully this will mean a good nights rest for me.........what a treat that would be ;-)
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