I saw this heading on another Mommy's blog some time ago and have been intending for a while now to post it here too. I think its just amazing how much your life changes, for the better, once you have a little one. Most days its hard for me to even imagine life without Olivia in it. I mean seriously, what was I doing before her? It doesn't matter now for sure because I am just overjoyed to be her Mommy!
Here are a couple of what I call Momisms.......You Know You're A Mommy When....
- Your cellphone is perpetually on vibrate, b/c you would much rather miss a call, than have someone call and wake your sleeping baby.....the one who fought sleep for 2-3 hrs......for example..LOL
- You're the last to: eat, shower, dress, sleep, have clean laundry, etc...b/c you make sure she's attended to first and foremost.
- Getting to the the nail shop, mall, grocery store, gym, hair salon, Girl's Night Out, Date Night, sorority meeting, etc. is a team effort.
- You scarf down whatever you have a few seconds to eat b/c in a few minutes baby will awake and desire your immediate attention.
- Shopping for you totally turns into shopping for her....b/c she certainly needs yet another outfit.
- You've become an online shopping phenom b/c taking baby in and out of the car and stores is just too tedious and much too frustrating for her.
- No matter how sleep deprived you are, when baby she cries at any un-Godly hour, you jump straight up out the bed (automatically), grab a bottle and head into the nursery.
- The excess funds you would have used to shop with now goes into her savings account.
- You're planning her 1st Birthday party (in your head) even though its not for 8 more months.
- You've subscribed to every "parent" type magazine on the market.
- Your baby's poop, slob, vomit, etc landing on your hand, face, clothes, furniture, etc. doesn't bother you one bit.
- You come home from the gym tired and sweaty, but she eats and gets her bath first.
- Hearing, Reading, Seeing something terrible about another child brings you instantly to tears.
- At a moments notice you can whip out at least 3 different current pictures of your baby.
- You don't' see anything wrong with your daughter having 4 different pairs of white sandals of the same size...seriously, what's wrong with that? LOL
- Your daughter's closet rivals most adult women's.
- She is constantly on your mind, and although you know she's in good hands...you still call to check to see how she's during throughout the day.
- You constantly pray for her and ask God to make y'all (yep, I'm a Southern girl) the best parents for her.
- Anything that pertains to her takes priority over everything else.
- You love her intensely and infinitely no matter what.
I'm sure you have a few that you can add, what are some of your Momisms?