Sunday, August 16, 2009

7 Weeks

7 weeks already. Seems pretty amazing. I'm excited, and anxious, nervous and happy all in the same wave of emotion. I went out on Friday after work to Border's and picked up The Complete Illustrated Pregnancy Companion which is a really great week-by-week book. What I love most about this book, aside from the pics and the good information are the weekly Pregnancy Affirmations. For example, this week's pregnancy affirmation is: "Being pregnant is a big change for me. I am up to the challenge." Week 6's affirmation was "My baby is growing steadily" This is a great and much needed change to most of the stuff I read on the pregnancy blogs. They're good for information too but some of it gets negative, depressing and sad a little too much for me. I want to keep it positive for me and my baby. True, it's all in God's hands, but I certainly don't want to entertain or dwell on the negative stuff. With that, I'll change the subject. So I also purchased the latest edition of What to Expect When You're Expecting and there's a ton of information there too. Between the two books and a few other sites, I feel like I know just what's going on inside my uterus. This is such an exciting time for us. We can't wait to go to our first prenatal visit on the 27th.

Friday I fly out to San Diego, CA to spend some girl time with my BFF Shun. It's going to be fun. Sorta like my last of this kind for a while. We're going to have so much fun, and I"m looking forward to seeing all that San Diego has to offer. Yaay for girlfriend get-a-ways!!!

My Mama (i.e Nanna-to-be) informed me last week of two things. One, that she wants the baby to call her Nanna and that she will buy the prince or princess' crib and crib accessories. Now ain't that a blessing and huge financial relief for G and I. I've been looking at cribs already on line and there are some really nice ones. I do know that I want dark wood, like mahogany, chocolate or espresso colored furniture. There is something really nice about dark wood. We've also decided that it makes the most sense to get the 3-in-1 bed which converts as our little one grows. Crib, toddler bed, full size bed. What a novel idea. We'll also get the changing table/dresser to match. Yep, I'm thinking/planning ahead. In fact, I've already picked the nursery colors. Now, we just have to start moving stuff and making room for our new addition. Time flies when you're having fun!

What Baby's Doing
The big news this week: Hands and feet are emerging from developing arms and legs — although they look more like paddles at this point than the tiny, pudgy extremities you're daydreaming about holding and tickling. Technically, your baby is still considered an embryo and has something of a small tail, which is an extension of her tailbone. The tail will disappear within a few weeks, but that's the only thing getting smaller. Your baby has doubled in size since last week and now measures half an inch long, about the size of a blueberry.If you could see inside your womb, you'd spot eyelid folds partially covering her peepers, which already have some color, as well as the tip of her nose and tiny veins beneath parchment-thin skin. Both hemispheres of your baby's brain are growing, and her liver is churning out red blood cells until her bone marrow forms and takes over this role. She also has an appendix and a pancreas, which will eventually produce the hormone insulin to aid in digestion. A loop in your baby's growing intestines is bulging into her umbilical cord, which now has distinct blood vessels to carry oxygen and nutrients to and from her tiny body.

Mama's Symptoms
full breasts, tender nips, sleepiness, peeing a lot, a lot of gas, moody and a little ADD

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

I'm gonna be a Grandmama

Greg and I told his Mama....and this is her reaction....I love it!!!

6 weeks

Monday, 8/10/09 marked the beginning of my 6th week of pregnancy. I must say at times I don't feel pregnant at all. If it were not for tender nips and boobs, sleepiness and constant peeing I wouldn't believe it to be true. My first prenatal visit seems so far in the distance. But I know its best to wait to get a better sonogram and stronger heartbeat.

One thing is for sure. I need to sooner rather than later start back working out. When I leave work I just want to relax and sleep. My job has gotten a little more stressful and a lot more involved in the past few weeks. Probably not the best time to take on a new role, but it is what it is. Oddly enough, last night I had the weirdest dream. I was at work and my director/boss saw me with a baby book/magazine. He looks at the book/mag, then looks at me and says, "You have to tell me these things." I'm not sure if that's my consciousness telling me that I need to tell him or the Divine, but I'm not convinced I should just yet. At least not before my doctor's appt on the 27th. That's when I'll find out just how far along I am, what my due date is, etc. I'd rather be armed with more solid info before going to him than using my internet tools to calculate how far along I am. They're fine for now, but the conversation with him will be an official one.

So the internet is such a lovely place, full of information and sharing and snarking......Snarking? Yes, there is a really good pregnancy board that I'm a member of and some of those women are just unbelievable. There's a lot of good information on the 1st tri board but there are some meanies on there too. Some will pic apart every little thing you say, while other lay waiting on something they can take as an insult. For instance, this one girl posted that she was prayerful that God would see her pregnancy through, and that she's in faith for a great pregnancy. Some lady that had previously had a miscarriage totally railed on her saying that prayer and faith have nothing to do with miscarriage b/c she did all those things and still lost her child. I understand that we're all a little hormonal and probably over-sensitive a tad, but she really didn't need to go there. This girl had every right to express that she was trusting, believing and depending on God to deliver her baby healthy at the appropriate time. But I guess you just can't seem to please everyone.

Today I left work around 12 noon. I just couldn't focus or concentrate on anything. I was tired, more appropriately sleepy. I probably did stay up too late and then waking up at some ungodly hour in the morning to pee didn't help. When my alarm went off I got up and showered and then laid back in bed naked contemplating whether or not I should call out ill. I know its much too early in the game for me to be calling off from work but today I just had to and I came home, had some lunch and napped myself into oblivion!

What Baby's doing
This week starts a period of rapid cellular development for your baby-to-be, who looks like a mini tadpole, with a tiny head and tail. His or her eyes, ears and mouth have begun to form (though they're a little more Discovery Channel "creatures of the sea" documentary than Gerber Baby at this point).Other exciting milestones include:Your baby's heart is now beating to a regular beat, although it's still too faint to hear.His or her arm buds are just beginning to, well, bud. They look like teensy swollen bumps at this point. In a few days, they'll resemble itsy-bitsy flippers.Your baby has grown to ⅛ inch long—about the size of one of the chocolate sprinkles on your last cupcake (and your last ice cream cone, and your last sundae and your last giant cookie ... maybe there is something to those rumors about pregnancy cravings!).

Mama's Symptoms: lethargic, inability to focus for long periods of time, peeing, mild cramps

**I defer to post a pic of lima bean at 6 weeks b/c its just not cute....I'll just wait for my first sonogram!**

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Cartoon Break

Yep, I can totally relate.

What Baby's Doing:
Your baby's microscopic heart begins to beat this week—although it won't be detectable with one of those cool Dopplers for a few weeks, so you'll have to wait a little longer to hear that satisfying "whoosh-whoosh" you're so anxious for. Here's what else is under construction: With the beating of the heart, blood will begin to circulate throughout the body. Your baby's first organ system will be up and running!The beginnings of the brain; the cardiovascular, nervous and reproductive systems; as well as all other major systems are under way. Your baby's new digs—the amniotic sac and the placenta (aka the hotel and the restaurant)—are still forming at this point. (Maybe you should send a housewarming gift.)All that high-speed development and your baby is only 2 millimeters long—about the size of a sesame seed (check one out next time you're chowing down on a bagel—you won't believe how tiny it is!).

Mama's Symptoms: Tired, sleepy, moody, bloated, gassy, losing appetite, dry mouth. I'm always thirsty for water even though I drink water all day long. Did I mention gassy? I'm talking Chevron, it's bad and probably will only get worse. Poor G. LOL

Monday, August 3, 2009


On Sunday, August 2, 2009 @ approximately 11:41 pm EST I learned that I was pregnant. What a wonderful discovery. This baby will be our first child. Wonderful and Amazing. According to my LMP I'm 5 weeks with an EDD of April 5, 2010. I called my OB/GYN this morning to schedule my first (of many) prenatal visits and was quickly informed that they will not see me until I'm 8-10 weeks along. No big deal, August 27th it is. I know to continue to take my prenatal vitamins and to discontinue my love affair with all forms of alcohol :(. Farewell Merlot, Cabernet Sauvignon, Riesling, Shiraz, Margaritas. See you when I see you. Its bittersweet. All this I do for my little spud taking residence in my womb, and so the sacrifices begin :)

I'm truly amazed. Its all surreal right now. When I look at all 4 of my positive pregnancy tests it still doesn't quite register that this means that I AM PREGNANT!!!! I've honestly wanted to be a mother since forever....approximately age 10. This is what I was born to do, mother. Now that its a soon reality I'm completely overjoyed.

Tomorrow G and I are taking his Mom to dinner to share our great news.This weekend I'm driving home to tell my Mama that's she's gonna be a Grandma. I can't wait to see the expressions on their faces b/c both are equally ready to grandmother. I'm about to bust with excitement. This weekend won't arrive soon enough.

My prayer is for a healthy, full-term pregnancy. I had a long conversation with God last night. Mostly thanking Him for entrusting me with this life, his child. I'm excited, anxious, nervous and happy. There is a lot to be learned between now and my baby's birthday. I'm up for it all. Let the good times roll!!!

Mama's Symptoms: sporadic very mild nausea, sleepiness, peeing a lot, heavy, full breast with extremely tender nips, moody....and most importantly a missed cycle!